Members Only Meeting - Rec. Licensing Q&A w/ Paul Loney and Jonathan Manton

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January 22, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Williams Grange
20100 Williams Hwy
Williams, OR 97544

You can now apply for a Recreational Marijuana license online:

Via: OregonLive

Though the state agency will review applications as they come in, Marks said regulators aren’t likely to approve any until after the Oregon Legislature meets next month. Lawmakers are expected to take up some marijuana-related issues that may impact the licensing process, such as requirements related to out-of-state investments.

Marks said the agency also expects to receive a lot of requests to waive certain requirements, particularly those related to security in outdoor grow sites, where locations may be out of the way and already shielded from view. He said reviewing and authorizing waivers will add to the time it takes to process each application.

While the Oregon Health Authority oversees medical marijuana, including dispensaries that for now may sell to recreational consumers, the recreational marijuana industry will shift entirely to the liquor commission by year’s end.

This event is for OSGG Members. Please review and sign (if you have not done so already) our confidentiality agreement and come with questions you might have about the licensing process.

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